Pembiayaan Mudharabah Sebagai Alternatif Pendanaan Bagi Pelaku Industri Halal


  • Aireni Ratnasari STAI Al-Badar Cipulus Subang
  • Syukron Suwardi STAI Al-Mas'udiyah Sukabumi
  • nur irmandi STAI Al-Mas'udiyah Sukabumi



Flexibility in determining profit sharing ratios and a focus on integrity and transparency in fund management provide distinct advantages in this approach. In addition, Mudharabah financing helps halal industry players avoid riba and speculation, which is consistent with Islamic ethical principles. In the economic impact analysis, it was revealed that Mudharabah financing can promote the growth of the halal industry and make a positive contribution to overall economic growth. This becomes relevant in the context of an industry known for its sanctity and halal. Thus, this journal details the benefits and potential of Mudharabah financing as a sharia-based funding instrument for halal industry players. This financing provides solutions that are fair, sustainable, and in line with the values of Islamic business ethics, which can provide support for the development of the halal industry and inclusive economic growth


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How to Cite

Aireni Ratnasari, Syukron Suwardi, & nur irmandi. (2024). Pembiayaan Mudharabah Sebagai Alternatif Pendanaan Bagi Pelaku Industri Halal. IQTISHOD: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, 3(1), 89–99.